Ibiza incentives with special effects are our speciality. Because we think out of the ordinary and in a new way for every client. No matter how crazy or sensational the next company incentive on Ibiza is supposed to become, with us planning becomes reality. We are happy to take this opportunity to refute the misconception that you can only party or enjoy a beach holiday on the island of the Pitiusas. There is so much more to do and experience on this beautiful island.

Successful high-class incentives with international clients have proven that team building in Ibiza reaches a new level. With the right mix of motivation and challenge, concentration and distraction.
As event managers with experience and empathy, we write the right incentive concept for every type of participant profile. In doing so, we take into account the objectives of the group trip on both the entrepreneurial and the employee side. People who come back from a company trip with new energy have a different attitude to their everyday working life. And we expect our customers to be able to experience this trip free of stress.
But what makes Ibiza, of all places, an incentive destination? Definitely the well-developed infrastructure, the economical flight time of around 2 hours from many European metropolises, the range of upscale and excellently equipped conference hotels and somehow also the special lifestyle. Ibiza is a happening with style and impressive contrasts. If you want, you can experience high life here or retreat to the tranquillity of the natural world heritage sites. And all this with almost 300 days of sunshine a year.

We would like to mention one of our most exciting incentives on Ibiza with 2200 participants, whom we welcomed with a rocking opening party, impressed with a white night in 15 restaurants and made happy with a beach happening. Ibiza is the island of possibilities and definitely one of the best addresses for corporate events in the Mediterranean.